Local Outreach

Serving Our Community
Fellowship Dallas pursues community transformation both locally and globally. We reach out and serve both for our sake and for the sake of those we serve. We believe that serving others is an essential part of being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said to his followers, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave–just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
– Matthew 20:26-28
Serving Our Community
Fellowship Dallas pursues community transformation both locally and globally. We reach out and serve both for our sake and for the sake of those we serve. We believe that serving others is an essential part of being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said to his followers, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave–just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
– Matthew 20:26-28
Winter Coat Drive
We have partnered with White Rock Center of Hope many times in the past and this year we want to help serve our community by donating coats to those in need for this already chilly season! Through the month of December, bring new or gently used coats for kids, youth, men, and/or women to drop off at the church. These will be distributed through White Rock Center of Hope's free clothes closet to families in need. Coats should be clean, without stains or tears, and washable.We will have collection bins on the 1st and 2nd floors for you to place your coats in! The deadline to bring a coat will be Sunday, December 15th.

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